I wake up in the morning feeling like....Martha Stewart.
I have all these great ideas, things I want to do, crafts I want to try. Then I think, hmm, next Tuesday would be a good day, or next Friday I should have time to try that. Well what happened to last weeks plans for today? I am putting things off again. So today is my next week.
Today I am painting the bathroom, making a batch of soap and choosing 3 more fabrics for lap quilts!
Can I squeeze in an hour of housecleaning? Pretty ambitious...I better get hopping!!
11 am: ACK I have no paint roller covers! I am doing all the brush work on the edges, but it has taken me 2 hours so far. And I thought I could do the WHOLE room in 3 hours!! Doh!
12ish:Done with the brush work! Rolling the main walls have to wait for the cover... Off to make soap.
2:30 3 batches of soap made-just waiting for the last one to trace....it is taking forever!!!
Evening: Got the bathroom painted, but doh! it needs 2 coats, so the whole thing all over tomorrow! Chose 4 fabric combos for lap quilts, and even got in about an hour of cleaning. Not sure what gave me the second wind this evening, but it may have been the espresso chocolate bar R brought home as my gift :)