I love spinning on my spindles. But the dilemma is what do I do with the wool yarn? I don't wear much wool, and I can only give away so many scarves. I have some bamboo, milk and other fibers I will try spinning. But I love cotton...so I needed a new type of spindle. And a kit to try different cottons, punis from India, seed cotton, organic sliver, natural green and natural brown.
Wish me luck with the new type of spindle! It is a tahkli, and I hope I can master it. I am contemplating buying a charkha, a wheel for cotton. I can get one for a little over $100. But should I go on a waitlist for a Bosworth? They are more expensive...but I know I love the quality of their drop spindles, and are well worth their price.
Still haven't decided on a regular wheel. I love the drop spindles, so why would I need one? Can I spin cotton on it?
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