January 20, 2012

Just Takes 2

So I was reading about a woman who finished her Dear Jane after 15 years or so. She did it all by hand, including the binding. I thought I would like to make an all by hand quilt. So the question is, do I keep with my postage stamp quilt that I haven't worked on in about 2 years? Or do I make my Dear Jane all by hand? Or should I do the Just Takes 2? I am not thrilled with the fabric I have so far, so I haven't started it. I don't think I want solid red. I want small print that reads red. I guess I need to go shopping, and look in person! No more internet reds! And still keep the postage stamp to finish someday...

1 comment:

Robin said...

LOL! I suspect that will be about how long it takes me to finish my Jane all by hand. :P I really need to get off my butt and just put that last outside border on.

Jane is great for handwork-- lots of small blocks and all different, so very portable and it stays interesting! Hexagon quilts are fun too! Just find something that you love. :)